Ways to avoid dengue

The only way to prevent dengue is to avoid Mchckron. Take care that the easiest way to avoid dengue mosquitoes.

Treating dengue more can be done to alleviate their suffering is. Dengue fever and ease the shortage of water is very important. Although a lot of people with dengue fever and dengue death is not certain misconceptions. Deaths from dengue fever are less than 1 percent. The illness usually lasts one to two weeks. 

How to Avoid Dengue Fever -
It is very important to avoid to avoid dengue mosquitoes which spread dengue virus.
A place where dengue is spreading, there should not be water freezing in plastic bags, cans, flower pots, roads or water stored in coolers.
Should make all efforts to avoid mosquito nets to like, wear full sleeve clothes etc.. 

If you are going to a new place in the changing seasons, the Mchchharon Use Avoid products.
If there is Jgajmav around your home, keep the special care of the cleaning.
Make every effort to prevent mosquito born.
Fever for more than 5 days please make sure Rktjanc. Avoid to avoid dengue mosquitoes. 

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