PMS Symptoms and Pregnancy

Here the symptoms of PMS and pregnancy .

What is PMS and pregnancy
Indeed, the epidemic first began to have symptoms of PMS. These changes, called the PMS.
Pregnancy - Pregnancy after a woman is found. During pregnancy women themselves as well as the rejuvenation of the new born weight raises. Is usually nine months of pregnancy. 
PMS Symptoms and Pregnancy
PMS - Pre Mensrual syndrome symptoms in women depend on their nature and temperament. But usually irritability, fatigue and swelling are the main symptoms of PMS. Many of the experiences and symptoms of PMS
Sudden weight change physically come and go
Swelling of the feet and heels various parts of the body such as
Uterine cramps or pain complaints
Headache, complained of dizziness and fatigue all the time
Backache, pain in muscles and other body parts to be
Persistent change in mood, be sad, be irritable
Increased hunger, placing forget things
Etc. The symptoms of PMS. Diet is enough to take care of Premenstrual Syndrome. It is important to supply you with vitamins.
Pregnancy - Pregnant women with symptoms not necessarily. His style, atmosphere and symptoms of pregnancy depend on thinking. 

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