Live disc treatment time

Back pain is a common problem. Spine Society of India reported 10 to 15 per cent of people in India are suffering from back or hip pain. In addition to the usual treatment is to ease the pain end. 20 per cent but if ignored it can take pain seriously. It often severe pain in disc change, occasionally it may be sciatica.
Spinal cord and discs
Knowing the structure of the disc is essential to understand the spine. Spinal cord or spinal column is based on the entire weight of the body. The body is in motion and stomach, neck, chest and protects nerves.Spine consists of vertebrae. Starting from the bottom of the head to the tail bone is. Spine is divided into three parts -
1. Neck or cervical vertebrae 
2. Chest (thoracic vertebra) 
3. Lower back (lumbar vertebrae)
Thing as a soft cushion between the bones of the spinal cord is called the disc. These disks - are attached to each other and are located between the vertebrae of the way. Shock absorbers for the spine disc works.
Back and forth, right - left twisting disc is stretched. Wrong way to work, study, get up - sitting or bending constant emphasis lies on the disk. There is pressure on the spine Nrws which causes pain in the groin stretch.
What is disc
Actually the term disc does not tell the whole procedure correctly. Disc is not a disease, the body's machinery is technically Krarabi. The disc does not slip, but some of the spinal cord comes out. The outer part of the disk membrane is made of a sturdy material and is between liquid Jalinuma. कई बार उम्र के साथ-साथ यह तरल पदार्थ सूखने लगता है या फिर अचानक झटके या दबाव से झिल्ली फट जाती है या कमजोर हो जाती है तो जैलीनुमा पदार्थ निकल कर नसों पर दबाव बनाने लगता है, जिसकी वजह से पैरों में दर्द या सुन्न होने The problem occurs. In India, 20 per cent of people suffer from disc.
Special reason
1. Joints of the Dijenreshn
2. Congenital deformity of the spine or hip bones or infection
3. A congenital defect or a disorder in the legs after being born.
At what age is a risk
1. Usually 30 to 50 years of age in the lower back disc problems may occur.
2. 40 to 60 years of age occurs near the neck cervical vertebra.
3. According to experts in the 20-25 year-olds are increasingly being viewed as symptoms of a slipped disc. In addition to sitting for long bike rides in speed or driving without a seat belt tied to this problem is increasing. Sudden shock to the body and disc brakes can result in injury.
Patient Advice
If the investigation report and the MRI of disc surgery is usually successful. Although occasionally exceptions are possible. If the problem L 4 (located in the lower part of the spinal cord) to open the disc at L5 and surgeons will not, so the surgery will fail. Although it does not usually, but sometimes some mistakes - may be a while. After surgery, the patient has to Bed rest at least 15-20 days. Some of the exercises are provided waist. Please note that it is only by a trained physiotherapist. Moderate exercise in the beginning are gradually raised their numbers. The patient should sleep on hard beds, lean forward until the muscles relax completely refrain from doing any work. 're Right lifestyle after surgery, it is essential. Weight under control, do not lean forward work, do not lift heavy weights, prolonged and waist Avoid sitting in the same Poshcr avoid trauma or stroke.
Lifestyle Change
1. Regular daily walk three to six kilometers. This is the best exercise for every person.
2. Do not sit long, lean on a stool or chair. Note that if the chair is comfortable desk jobs and get support to meet the waist.
3. Physical exercise builds muscles. But not too much work that had trauma to the body.
4. Be neither long nor stand in the same Poshcr sit in one position.
5. Do not rush to lift any accessories. Lifting buckets of water, shelving - moving table, carefully lift heavy suitcase. These do not take leisurely and welter.
7. Avoid high heels and flat slippers. Studies show that high heels have to put pressure on the waist. Arch complete with flat feet slippers harm, the balance of the body may become worse.
8. Cdte stairs - be especially careful when leaving.
9. Sit in the chair right Poshcr. Do not ever sit on one foot to the other foot retread.
10. If a bend to the ground to carry the goods, but also sit on a small stool or sit down on his knees and take stuff.
11. Keep weight control. Increased weight gain and fat around the abdomen, especially on the direct impact of the spinal column.
12. Do not sleep on the soft and hard mattress. Spring mattresses or loose Nivad refrain from sleeping on the bed.
13. Sleep on your back and hold it down to the waist fold a towel, will support the spine.
14. Do not ever thicker pillow under the head. Simple and gives head cushion height only slightly better.
15. During shopping malls or organize an event not stand to be in the same position for too long. Between - change the situation. If you have to work while standing on one leg with the other leg six inches above must take on a small stool.
16. Do not wake up with a sudden shock - sit.
17. When driving long cushion to keep the neck and back. Keep driving seat towards the front, to the back straight.
18. Right - Left or neck to look back much body roll instead of rolling.
19. Do not sleep on your stomach or upside down.
20. Do not waist bending work. Always keep your back straight.
Sitting is a growing problem
Researchers from Scotland and Canada through new MRI technology employment; pressure on the back and the seating position is studied. According to the figures from the Association of British Kayropraktis 32 percent on average 10 hours of continuous work, sitting in office. Half of these people that there are not any seats left to find lunch break. Such people covering more back pain. Two-thirds of people sitting at home work for so long.

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