How to Avoid diarrhea

Diarrhea can be avoided with a little care when. Drink clear water, use water to keep clean dishes, fresh fruits and Sbjihyan Eat more fruits and vegetables to eat properly dry cleaners. If you have diarrhea patient ORS or salt, water, sugar solution several times a day to make. Contact with a good doctor.

Today I could not get lunch until late at night, which was to prepare for the meeting. Morning wake up to the office and had just picked laptop. Did not have time to have breakfast.

But along the way so the heat was a juice shop and saw that I thought it appropriate to have some juice. By the time lunch was feeling hungry so I ordered lunch from a nearby restaurant. After a few hours of lunch abdominal pain being expressed. Showed that the doctor was on vacation I got diarrhea.

At a time when diseases like diarrhea epidemic was declared.हालांकि आज हमारे पास चिकित्सा के बहुत से विकल्प उपलब्ध हैं लेकिन यह बीमारी आज भी उतनी ही खतरनाक है।
Delhi Rakland Hospital Dr MP Sharma गैस्ट्रोएंट्रोलाजिस्ट otherwise should not eat outside food with the change of seasons. Eating should focus more on water and liquid substances.
Usually good health salad is to take the juice, but the roadside during the rainy season to open juice is not good for your health in any way.दूषित आहार व पानी के सेवन से होने वाली बीमारियां हैं टायफायड, जांडिस, डायरिया और यहां तक कि अधिक समय तक दूषित आहार या पानी के सेवन से आपकी किडनी भी खराब हो सकती है ।
According to Dr MP Sharma diet before taking out a few things come to mind:
If you are eating out a note that they are properly cooked.
Cold drinks such as juice or peeled open, do not eat sweets all the flies in a season is also increased due to infection.

Eat more fruits and vegetables fresh fruits and Sbjihyan only eat properly dry cleaners.


Diarrhea is mainly caused by bacteria or virus infection. Common causes are:
Consumption of contaminated food or water.
If such a disease which infects the intestine.
The disease is more common in children. Any kind of fear because of the children and youth may have some sort of stress.
Stay out of hours, meetings and mine - Pan. So a little difficult, but not enough to make you ignore your health. Bajahr whole foods today is full of choices. So next time you feel hungry, you probably will remember and keep fit these options shall adopt the measures.

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