Microchip will perfect your Memari

You often forget your important work! So now, let alone worry because America has made such a microchip which maintains your memory .. And you must not continue to sing memories ...
Microchip is expected that it will be a blessing for those who have lost memory. Eminent scientists in the next two years will be the microchip plant in the minds of humans.
Scientists at the University of Southern California, and Wake Forest University found that part of the brain (Hippocampus) of study in which memories are preserved for nearly a decade.
Brains of rats and monkeys, the scientists so far have used the Maiktrocip. So far, the experiment showed that the electronic signal emitted from a silicon chip can be repeated message from the brain. Scientists explained that the chip is a limit to what can only increase its functionality. Encouraged by his team of scientists say these findings that in the coming five to ten years, he forgets the things that remind patients that will provide a memory device.

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