The fate of the people of this amount is flashing after marriage

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Those who first letter of the name, Hu, hey, ho, da, de, doo, DOE's Day or are they crab. Cancer is the fourth of the zodiac. According to astrology crab who are honest relationship with all duty and responsibility to play.
Many times their marital parents due to the interference problems are occurring. These are the sentiments of their spouses or lovers. Generally, the fate of the people of crab is flashing even after marriage. 

Generally, this amount significantly change the lives of people come after marriage. It can also be said that most of those crab stroke after the wedding, so would not be wrong. These people so much is not good decision making ability. His mind is not stable. Causing a lot of thinking, able to take decisions properly. My family is the most important for them.

 This amount represents the sign of the crab and north. The variable amount. The owner is the moon. Under the final phase of the constellation Punarvasu, Pushya constellation constellation around the stage and Aslesha come across the stage. 
There are imaginative person. Sat - Sun mentally unstable person to create and enhance a sense of ego in person. The location is also the willingness to act, the person is eligible for trouble.



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