Enlightening: Spinal arthritis is incurable

Spinal arthritis (arthritis of the spine) is an extremely painful disease, which can get rid of timely treatment.Cause
- Today's style of life is a major cause of the disease. Office or at home working on the computer for a long time.
- Talk on the phone long enough to bow the neck to one side.
- Long distance driving on poor road bikes.

- Excessive use of stylish chairs and sofas.
- Excessive intake of alcohol and tobacco.
- Increased obesity and declining physical exercise are among the leading causes of the disease.
General Characteristics
- Long waist or neck pain.
- In the morning or after a long rest and stiffness in the neck and groin be painful.
- Pain in neck, shoulders and hands which in effect would feel like humming.
- Back pain in the feet, electric, weakness and numbness are realized.
- Psychological causes pain to increase, especially stress.
Profile arthritis clinical trial and testing, the backbone (spine) depth investigations such as X-rays, CT Scan, MRI and radioisotope scanning
Prevention and treatment
- Regular physical exercise and balanced - nutritious food, which is a major way of preventing this disease.
- Under the supervision of expert gold the right way, get up, sit down and learn methods of lifting weights.
- Use of the cervical collar and belt Lmbosekrl pain relief.
- The use of epidural injection and injection Fesitl pain relief. Please use it after consulting doctor.
- Endoscopic neural Dikanpreshn art, Nucliotॅmi disc and spinal fusion in severe cases, the spinal disc Ripleshment and Corrective Ostiaotॅmi Arthritis can be achieved in approximately 98 per cent of cases.


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