Avoid from ऑस्टियोअर्थराइटिस

With increasing age greasiness of joint cartilage wears away and goes down. This condition is called spontaneous arthritis Osteosarcoma in medical language. Generally Adedhavstha (middle age) or 40 to 50 or older people who are more in fear of the disease.Symptoms
- Pain in joints and joints come skewness.
- The wrong move. Walking - fall short of potential movement.Ladders - difficulty in landing.

- A situation (Poschars) sit for a long time, which causes pressure on the joints. Ukdu such as sit or squat Palthy dead.
- Genetic cause.
- Obesity.
Digital x-ray of the joints.
The latest treatment
- The latest drugs are available, the cartilage again that help to develop, the 'cartilage Rijnaretr says.
- Joints are injected inside the 'Visko Splimenteshns says. Operation of such joint injections can be avoided for some time.
- Full replacement at the peak of the disease is extremely safe and effective treatment.
(Dr. Sandeep Kapoor)
(Senior Joint Replacement Surgeon)


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