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Orissa, Andhra Pradesh and hovering over the Bay of Bengal Cyclone 'FAMAS's name derives from FAMAS Thai word, meaning' Sapphire 'or' Sapphire 'stone. 'FAMAS' from Asian countries sent a list of names of cyclones is the last name of the first set. The name is from Thailand. This link is Ueber Sea and the Bay of Bengal in the next cyclonic storm named 'Helen' will. This name is given to Bangladesh.

Cyclonic storms names Meteorological Centre in Delhi. The name Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Oman, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Thailand are offered from. This process in the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal are adopted to identify the storms.
So far, the names of the cyclone - Bangladesh --- Onil
India --- Fire
Maldives --- Hibru
Myanmar --- Love
Oman --- Eagle
Pakistan --- chandeliers
Sri Lanka --- Garland
Thailand --- Mukdha
Bangladesh --- Ogni
India --- Sky
Maldives --- Gonu
Myanmar --- Yemayin
Oman --- en: Cider
Pakistan --- Nargis
Sri Lanka --- Rashmi
Thailand --- trench Home
Bangladesh --- Nisha
India --- Power
Maldives --- ऐla
Myanmar --- Fyan
Oman --- Ward
Pakistan --- Laila
Sri Lanka --- Bandu
Thailand --- Fate
Bangladesh --- Giri
India --- Water
Maldives --- Kaila
Myanmar --- determined
Oman --- Murjan
Pakistan --- Sapphire
Sri Lanka --- Mahasen
Thailand --- FAMAS.
The name of the cyclone in Bangladesh --- Helen
India --- Wave
--- Muddy Maldives
Myanmar --- Nanook
Oman --- woodpecker
Pakistan --- nelofar
Sri Lanka --- Priya
Thailand --- Komin
Bangladesh --- Chapala
India --- Cloud
Maldives --- Roanu
Myanmar --- Kyant
Oman --- Nada
Pakistan --- Wardha
Sri Lanka Asiri ---
Thailand --- Mora
Bangladesh --- Okhee
India --- Sea
Maldives --- Mekonu
Myanmar --- Dany
Oman --- Luban
Pakistan --- butterfly
Sri Lanka --- Gigm
Thailand --- Fethai
Bangladesh --- Fani
Air India ---
Maldives --- hiccup
Myanmar --- Keyar
Oman --- General
Pakistan --- Nightingale
Sri Lanka --- soba
Thailand --- Mfn


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