The operation will leave no stone

5 indigenous ways : They will leave no stone operation

Ways to avoid calculus - drink more water.

- Dietary protein, nitrogen and reduce the amount of sodium.

- Chocolate, soybeans, peanuts, spinach, etc. Do not eat too much.

- Kolddrinks also can hurt more than necessary.

- Vitamin - C should not take huge amounts.

Desi treatment of calculus -

- Himjira granulated sugar and milk with basil seeds get stuck in the urinary calculus mass is lost.

- Since it was a radish undermining twenty - twenty grams carrot and turnip seed fill, then Saute carrots, radishes then grind the seeds out. Day five or six grams a month, drinking water, stones and urinary illnesses benefit.

- Kulthy liter of water and soak overnight. Kulthy wet morning with the same water and cook on slow fire for four hours. 1 liter of water is left when you take down. Then & 0 grams to 50 grams (per digestion) Conk put it in ghee. In Conk - some rock salt, pepper, cumin, turmeric can put. Pthrinashk is dispensed.

- Sugar, fennel, coriander dry all amounts ranging from 50-50 grams soaked overnight in water, put a half liter. The filter dissolved in water and filtered evening drink by grinding them. P may not be completed in a few minutes, then drink again. 


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