How to do :- Think before eating fast food to digest part three

5,000 equivalent steps of medicine

Back pain, upset by increasing weight and blood pressure has been found helpful for people to walk this way.

Start your average step count for three days, then gradually would rise by 5,000 in three or four times.
Avoid carbohydrate diet evening after five o'clock.
At least 15-20 minutes 3-4 times a week and gradually increase speed.
Before starting to warm from head to toe must Vormap

Distance care
While the distance between the ears and shoulders to take care of.

Shoulder - neck stable
Keep frozen shoulders and neck, the back will not cause stress and strain. Lungs can breathe freely

You can count the number of steps used.

Lets take foot
Let's back up such a person foot the entire sole of your foot can be clearly seen. It would not have heel pain. 


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